Around the World in 80 Recipes

This site was created for those who would like to recreate the meals I have written about in the "Around the World in 80 Meals" site. ( On that site, I describe the meals that are cooked for me by people from many different cultures...I enjoy eating those meals and I hope to shed a more positive light on the multicultural society in the Netherlands.

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Location: Oxford, United Kingdom

I'm Dutch/American, 29 years old, and love getting to know new people and new cultures. Plus I enjoy a good meal! So what better way to combine these interests than through this blog? The idea is to talk to my hosts about what role food plays in their life, who taught them how to cook, what differences they see between local (food) culture and their own, etc. I started out in the Netherlands, but continued the project after my move to the UK in 2007. Email: eightymeals at yahoo dot com

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Trinidadian Pelau

Trinidadian Pelau

Ingredients: (4 to 6 servings)
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 chicken, cut up (about 2½ to 3 pounds), or substitute Quorn, for vegetarians
1 onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, minced
1½ cup gungo (=pigeon) peas, soaked overnight in salt water (last option: from a can)
2 cups rice (do not use instant rice)
3 cups water
1 cup coconut milk
1 teaspoon dried thyme
1 bunch of spring onions, chopped including the greens
2 stock cubes
1 scotch bonnet hot pepper (or hot sauce to taste)

Preparation: Heat the oil in a heavy pot or skillet. With the heat on high, add the sugar and let it caramelize until it is almost burned, stirring constantly. Add the chicken (or Quorn) and stir until all the pieces are covered with the sugar. Reduce the heat to medium, add the rice, onion, salt and pepper and fry, stirring constantly for 1 minute. Drain the gungo peas, add them to the pot and "stir fry" them as well. Then add the water, coconut milk, stock cubes and scotch bonnet/hot sauce . Reduce the heat and simmer on low fire, covered, for 30 minutes or till the rice is done. The pelau should be moist at the end of the cooking time.

You can vary by using coconut cream instead of coconut milk (add less water) or adding vegetables like squash and carrot to the pelau.


Blogger Unknown said...

nice/interesting variation :) had never thought of making a vegetarian version before myself, but why not! :) Don't think we have this Quorn in Trinidad but I will try some tofu/or shiitake mushrooms and black fungus perhaps :)

The only alteration I would HIGHLY recommend is marinating the chicken (if using) overnight in a combination of seasonings and spices. No true Trini would leave that step out :) Example here: :)

1:39 AM  

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